Fine Arts Preservation Society

February 19, 2025

Thanks to Saskia Ozols for including me in the featured artists gallery of the Fine Arts Preservation Society of New Orleans website. I have taken two recent Alla Prima painting classes with her and am learning so much. I look forward to my third class, and plan to apply these painting lessons to the creation of monoprints. 

Saskia founded the Fine Arts Preservation Society in 2020, in response to closures of university art departments and the related effect on education and artists. The society brings together scholars, artists, and historians that specialize in traditional visual arts techniques. Through conferences, exhibitions, workshops and more, the society provides opportunities for artists to grow and maintain their practice, while fostering cross-cultural connection and archiving resources for future generations.

I encourage you to check out their upcoming opportunities and events!

Pop-Up Show at Degas Gallery

February 12, 2025

I had a blast participating in a recent pop up exhibition at Degas Gallery on February 8. Organized by the Fine Arts Preservation Society on the Saturday before the Super Bowl, the show featured New Orleans inspired artwork honoring our local landscape, flora and more. 

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Print Sale at LeMieux Galleries

Nov 28, 2023

We are delighted to announce an upcoming three-day print sale at LeMieux Galleries, featuring original prints by Frances Swigart and Jim Steg.  

Dec 7-9

Frances will be present from noon-3 on Saturday the 9th.

She will be available to discuss the artists’ varied printmaking processes and will share some of the corresponding copper and relief plates used. 

LeMieux Galleries
332 Julia Street
New Orleans, LA 70130

Love Letters

Oct 27, 2023

New prints are now available at A.L. Lowe’s. Six images from the Heart Series are packaged with deep purple 9” x12” envelopes and matching stationary, ready to gift. In addition, the gallery carries selections from the Carnivale and Botanicals series.

A.L. Lowe 
3901 Baronne St. 
New Orleans, LA 70115

NOAFA Printmaking Exhibition

Sept 14, 2022

New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts presents an exploration of local printmaking in celebration of their new printmaking program. The exhibition compiles the work of famed artist Jim Steg - with a concentration on his abstract studies from the 1970s - juxtaposed with several New Orleans contemporary printmakers who are each exploring their own vision through one of the oldest mediums of production. Through photogravure, mono-prints, etchings, and more, the exhibition serves as an exploration of and introduction to the medium of Printmaking at the Academy.

The show opens on Saturday evening and will be on view through Oct 1.

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Jim Steg Centennial Print

Sept 8, 2022

Atelier Frances Swigart is delighted to announce the release of a Jim Steg Centennial Print

The posthumous edition, issued by the estate of Jim Steg (1922-2001), uses a copper plate he created in 1961 to print a second state, limited edition in celebration of Jim’s centennial year. Proceeds will benefit the New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts newly established printmaking program. 

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Sincere Thanks

March 30, 2022

What a memorable time we had at Studio Waveland! Thank you to all who came to the opening celebration, our two ART + COFFEE talks, and/or visited the gallery during the run of the Partners in Print exhibit.

We’re grateful for the wonderful community that Erica Larkin Gaudet and Mitchell Gaudet have cultivated on the Mississippi coast, and to all who traveled to be there with us. Additional thanks to Mary Jane Parker for her thoughtful curation and sequencing of the exhibition, and to Jan Gilbert for spreading the word.

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In the News: Hattiesburg American

March 16, 2022

Thank you to journalist Lici Beveridge for shining a light on the Ghost Army of WWII and the local soldiers who served in the unit, including Jim Steg. Published in last Sunday’s Hattiesburg American, Lici wrote the article after attending our Ghost Army talk at Studio Waveland. She did additional research afterward, including an interview with historian Rick Beyer. The digital version is behind a paywall, but for $1 you can subscribe to access it here. The online image gallery includes pictures from the March 5th presentation, and images of Jim's art!

Special Event at Studio Waveland

March 1, 2022

Partners in Print - Closing Reception
Saturday, March 5, 12-2pm

Please join us for a SPECIAL TALK on the life of artist JIM STEG, his artwork, his professorship at Tulane, and his service in the WWII Ghost Army.

Frances Swigart Steg will share slides of Jim’s early works, created while he served as a member of the top-secret Ghost Army during WWII, along with images made later in his career that reflect upon his war experiences. Debra Howell will share a selection of prints that she produced during graduate school at Tulane University, and speak about Jim’s influences on both process and subject matter.

Please join us for coffee and conversation! This will be the LAST DAY for the gallery exhibition - Partners in Print: Frances Swigart and Jim Steg. The event is free and open to the public, at Studio Waveland & Gallery on Saturday, March 5 from 12-2pm.

photo by Saskia Ozol

Frances Profiled in French Quarter Journal

February 15, 2022

Frances and her work recently appeared in a fabulous profile for French Quarter Journal. In addition to discussing Frances’ background and artistic approach, writer Saskia Ozols had this to say:

“Swigart’s lifetime of artwork combines historical techniques with a well-trained yet expressive voice. The result is a breathtaking visual journey through five decades of dedication to a craft as well as expression through art.”

Thank you to French Quarter Journal and Saskia for such a lovely article!

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Artist Talk at Studio Waveland

February 10, 2022

Please join us on Saturday afternoon for a gallery talk and exhibition walkthrough at Studio Waveland + Gallery. Their popular ART + COFFEE events provide a fun, casual way for audiences to engage with and learn more about exhibitions.

Frances will lead a walkthrough of the extensive Partners in Print exhibition, sharing insights about the artistic process -both hers and Jim Steg’s- along with stories about the prints that are on display. The event takes place Saturday, Feb 12, from 12-2pm, and is free and open to the public.

Happy Birthday Jim!

February 6, 2022

2022 marks the centennial of Jim Steg’s  birth, on February 6, 1922 in Alexandria, Virginia. We're planning events throughout the year to celebrate his work and legacy. Frances and Jim met at Newcomb College in 1962, as teacher and student, and reconnected in 1992 as empty nesters who were able to fully dedicate themselves to art making. They were married for the last decade of Jim’s life. Upon his death in 2001, Steg left his archive to Frances, who has been diligently cataloging and maintaining his work through the present day.

Centennial year festivities will begin at Studio Waveland + Gallery in February, and conclude with an exhibition of Jim’s late-career Polaroids during PhotoNOLA in December. We’re working on some additional events, which will be announced as details solidify.  Partners in Print  opens this Friday, February 11, with birthday cake in Jim’s honor. Please join us to celebrate the life and lasting impact of New Orleans’ most influential printmaker. 

Save the Date!

December 10, 2021

Partners in Print: Frances Swigart and Jim Steg

Opening Reception
Friday, February 11, 5-8pm
(in conjunction with Waveland Food Truck Friday)

Artist Talk with Frances Swigart
Saturday, February 12, 12:30pm

Closing Reception
Saturday, March 5

Studio Waveland + Gallery 228 Coleman Ave Waveland, MS
On view through February 11 to March 5 (Saturdays 12-4pm and by appointment.)

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Free Shipping from the Atelier Shop!

November 24, 2021

We are offering free shipping now through December 15th!

With a wide selection of prints starting at just $40, we hope you’ll consider giving the gift of original art for the holidays.

Visit the shop page to view more.

Remembering Mario

August 9, 2021

New Orleans lost a light with the passing of Mario Villa, a multi-talented artist who created furniture, paintings, sculpture and jewelry, and also managed his own gallery for years.

“I collaborated with Mario over the years, and am grateful for the exquisite works that I have to remember him by. …

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And the Winner is…

July 13, 2021

Congratulations to Julia Mullane on winning our summer print giveaway raffle! ‘Newcomb Pottery with Magnolia’ now has a new home in Kansas City, Missouri!

Thanks to all who followed along and everyone who joined the mailing list!!

Visit the shop page to view more.

Magnolia Print Giveaway

June 17, 2021

Announcing a sweet summer print giveaway! 

Everyone who signs up for Frances's mailing list by July 10 will be automatically entered into a raffle to win this brand new print of ‘Newcomb Pottery with Magnolia.’  

One winner will be announced via email on July 13, 2021.


This limited edition hand-pulled etching is made from two copper plates. It was printed on a pale grey Stonehenge paper, then painted with watercolor accents. The image celebrates both the exquisite pottery produced at Newcomb College from 1895 to 1940, and the timeless beauty of the magnolia flower. More information about 'Newcomb Pottery with Magnolia' can be found HERE.


May 20, 2021

The recent blooming of the irises inspired a revisit of these botanical plates. The etchings are printed on handmade paper embedded with actual pressed leaves, with a softer line and lighter tones, then finished with watercolors. There are 12 different flowers depicted in the series, in a nod to the British botanical tradition.

All of the images in this botanical series are now available for purchase in Frances’ web shop as individual prints or as a suite with multiple prints.

Visit the shop page to view more.


R. Stephanie Bruno, The New Orleans Advocate, March 17, 2021

“Swigart’s artwork fills the house and studio. There are handsome landscapes — hand-colored etchings and engravings — that appear on walls and in bookshelves. Architectural prints — embellished with tiny beads — appear in the kitchen, paintings of flowers (on fields of gold and silver leaf) are present in the living room. …There are almost too many treasures in the living room to count. A mirror between the front windows reflects light, but barely — it is largely de-silvered in an intriguing cross-hatch pattern resulting from the wood supports behind it. The low chest in front of the mirror holds a pair of gilt candelabra that mimic the form of lilies.” — R. Stephanie Bruno

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January 10, 2021

Frances made a cameo appearance in a recent article about the death of noted French Quarter bohemian, Gypsy Lou Webb. The woman who inspired the Bob Dylan song of the same name, Gypsy Lou was known for selling paintings to fund the press operating out of her and her husband’s apartment in the 1960s. Frances and Gypsy Lou worked together in the ‘90s to collaborate on a printing project that met at the historic intersection of art and poetry.

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October 3, 2017

Frances’ work will be exhibited alongside her late husband Jim Steg’s at the Hall-Barnett Gallery.

Artist Reception: Thursday, October 5, 5PM

Hall-Barnett Gallery: 237 Chartres Street New Orleans, LA

on view October 5, 2017 — November 19, 2017



June 8, 2017

We are very excited to announce that Frances will be giving a talk next month at the New Orleans Museum of Art as part of their exhibit Jim Steg: New Work. Frances will share memories and discuss the work of her late husband, Jim, who is now regarded as one of the most influential printmakers of the 20th century.

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May 1, 2017

Frances’ etchings will be featured at the Sterling Frames Studio as part of New Orleans’ annual Champagne Stroll on Magazine Street event! Please join us at the Sterling Frames Studio on Magazine Street to enjoy Frances’ work alongside live jazz music from Mark Weliky. Refreshments will be served.

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December 3, 2016

Very pleased to share that Frances’ work will be included in the Hall-Barnett Gallery exhibition “Run in the Woods.” Please join us at the upcoming opening!

Artist Reception: Thursday, December 8, 5PM

Hall-Barnett Gallery: 237 Chartres Street New Orleans, LA

on view December 8, 2016 — January 22, 2017



August, 11, 2016

Artist Reception: Saturday, August 13, 7PM

Where Y’Art Gallery: 1901 Royal Street New Orleans, LA

on view August 13, 2016 — September 27, 2016


May 17, 2016

Artist Reception: Thursday, May 19, 5PM

Hall-Barnett Gallery: 237 Chartres Street New Orleans, LA

on view May 19, 2016 — July 3, 2016



March 10, 2016

Frances recently discussed her work with the New Orleans-focused online art gallery Where Y’Art. In this rapid-fire interview, Frances gives insight into her influences, process, and what she loves about being an artist in New Orleans. “It is like the mythical journey into the underworld. The work speaks to me and brings me to the other side.”

Learn more


November 29, 2015

Get a behind the scenes look at Frances’ studio and her process for creating intaglio prints with her Kelton printing press. In this video, Frances not only creates an original print, but also details some of the historical precedents for how the intaglio process developed.

Watch the video



October 5, 2015

Artist Reception: Thursday, October 8, 5PM

Hall-Barnett Gallery: 237 Chartres Street New Orleans, LA

on view October 8, 2015 — November 22, 2015


December 3, 2014

Artist Reception: Saturday, December 13, 6PM

Barrister’s Gallery: 2331 St. Claude Avenue New Orleans, LA

On view December 13, 2014 — January 27, 2015