Sincere Thanks
What a memorable time we had at Studio Waveland! Thank you to all who came to the opening celebration, our two ART + COFFEE talks, and/or visited the gallery during the run of the Partners in Print exhibit.
We’re grateful for the wonderful community that Erica Larkin Gaudet and Mitchell Gaudet have cultivated on the Mississippi coast, and to all who traveled to be there with us. Additional thanks to Mary Jane Parker for her thoughtful curation and sequencing of the exhibition, and to Jan Gilbert for spreading the word.
We enjoyed cake in honor of Jim‘s 100th birthday from the wonderful Sugar Pop Baking Co., and had great fun sharing stories about the work. (The artist talk was filmed by Kevin McCaffrey, so we’ll be able to share it in the future!) On the closing weekend it was lovely to hear Debra Howell speak about her time with Jim as a graduate student in printmaking in the 1980s. She shared prints from her thesis project, and talked about what an encouraging and supportive teacher he was. From beginning to end, it was great connecting with old friends and making new ones, having meaningful conversations around art.
Please follow Studio Waveland to keep up with all their fantastic programming, and save the date for Erica and Mitchell’s upcoming show at Octavia Gallery this September!